The Rhythm & Moves program is designed to run with weekly sessions.
It is recommended to run the sessions with groups of 20 children or less for optimum enjoyment and participation. We cater for all ages from babies up to age 5, so no child at your centre misses out!
The Rhythm & Moves program revolves around a schedule of themes that change weekly.
With over 40 themes in all, the program is varied yet still has room to cover the favourites!
Some of our most popular themes are…
Australiana Down at the Farm Keeping the Beat
A Day at the Zoo Alphabet Soup Music Around the World
Sing a Rainbow Off to School Going on a Holiday
… And we’re always open to tie in themes to the goings on at your centre.
Each lesson revolves around a theme that incorporates classic songs by artists like The Beatles, with a mix of original songs written specifically for the program by Cam himself. Rhythm & Moves aims to give kids a fun filled introduction to all things musical.
If you’d like to book a trial of our unique program, please email us at